Thursday 29 September 2011

This one's a project for Communication Design, the first one was the one I submitted for marks and critique. The second one was my "improvement" from the first, doesn't count for marks, but I thought I may as well take something from the critique.

Monday 26 September 2011

This one's for Colour in Context. The assignment was to take a photo out of a fashion magazine, and draw the model. It had to be done in black ink, and the goal was for it to look like a sketch. The sketch had to be in black and white, but could be enhanced by lightly adding colour. 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011

Character Sketches

These are some character design sketches I made for drawing class.
The objective/task was to create four characters that show a distinct personality through their physical attributes and body language. The characters are: The Bully, The Screwball, The Cute One and The Goofy One.

Thursday 8 September 2011


Hey! I'm Linus; I originally come from Hamilton ON, and I'm currently a student at OCAD U studying Graphic Design. I will be using this blog to post my sketches and projects throughout the year (maybe more), and also some of my unrelated work.
